Yesterday, I went with the Sixth Graders from youth to the Skate Center for "80's Skate" Yes complete with hair in side ponytail, leggins and even a blonde mullet worn by a former AU football player, Hiram. I have to say it definetly brought out my childhood of countless weekends of lock-ins full of lots of skating and having fun!!
Today was a normal Sunday for me filled with church service in the morning going to lunch then going back to church for Youth Group! Tonight we had a Superbowl relay, which consisted of the first event high knees, and the second throwing a football through a hoo-la-hoop and the third Mack and I got our arms painted with the Steelers and Cardinals Logo, and last was a double stuff oreo eating contest inspired by the commericials with my favorites Peyton and Eli Manning. The "cardinals" or the boys won, by one second!! We then learned about Jesus in John 2:1-10. Where Jesus is at a wedding and they were out of wine. In this time, not having wine would have been a symbol of new life and abundance, and not to have the wine at the wedding event would have been a social let down. So we learned that Mary brought the situation of the lack of wine to Jesus' attention because she cared for the family she didn't beg him to do it she just allowed him to make the decision whether or not to help the family. Mary said to the servants to do whatever he tells you. This showed Mary's faith in her son, that he truly is the Messiah. Then Jesus ask the servants to fill these 6 clay jugs with water, they could hold approx. 20 to 30 gallons a piece. and the Servants filled them, not only did they fill, they filled them all the way to the BRIM!!!!! And this is the message that hits me the most. I would think if i had a jug that could hold thirty gallons i would probably only fill it to the ability that i could carry. That is not what these servants did They had these things overflowing!!!
Since school has started back life has been busy fiull of 14 hours of school, babysitting, tutoring, working out trying to lose lbs, and Church! I have had so much fun! And this week I start a new Journey Bible Study class that wil teach us how to read the bible!!! I first I thought this was something that was easy, I though oh you just pick it up and read it, but no its not that simple. True you can pick it up and read it, but its much more difficult to understand it all. I have learned that you can't do it on your own you have first pray to God for wisdom and to guide through his word, that you will take it in and learn it and understand it. I am excited for this class because I will now have the tools to keep My own Journey with Christ in line going more in depth with his word and being rooted in it!!!!
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